Despite Bird Flu and Mad Cow, Big Brother survives
Ah yes, the trials and tribulations of my favorite summer pastime Big Brother continues!!! Nicomas got kicked off last night. Poor thing, she's actually kinda likeable. James won HOH. Hopefully he will lean towards Deceit as opposed to honesty (or stupidity!) as Kaysar did. Of course, James winning HOH means one very important thing.....Yes my friends, Janelle will be safe from the vote next week!! Last night's footage of her taking a bubble bath was fantastic. It made me want to take my own bubble bath. But of course, I am stuck in a tent on the streets of Boston. I went to a conveiniencece store and bought some kid bubbles & settled for blowing bubbles outside my tent & saying "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!". Not the most macho or mature thing to do, but I gotta tell you, it was fun.