Loverboy is still touring! Loverboy
Heather Mills is racking up the parking tickets. Celebrity Cowboy
Britney Spears leaves a Hair Salon in Beverly Hills. Celebrity Puke
If celebrities endorsed candy. Celebrity Smack
Danielle Lloyd does Maxim. Celebslam
Ashton Kutcher wears manpris??? dlisted
Celeb du Jour: Keira Knightly. Dotspotter
Anna Kournikova is one hot potato. Hollywood Tuna
Larry said/O.K.! said. Holy Candy
Britney Spears' new single. JJ's blog
Nicole Richie at Jamba Juice. Just Jared
Barnes & Noble says yes to O.J.. NewsToob
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren make out. Pop On The Pop
"Heroes" stars wearing....what???? Seriously? OMG! WTF!
Cameron Diaz celebrates her birthday on set. Splash
Rihanna looks HOT for her new video. The Bastardly
Paris Hilton to Brandon "Eat my dust!" The Star Blogger
Desperate Housewives are flawless. Yeeeah!