Fergie’s haggled face looks like she’s been through a fair bit in her life, so when she gives her pearls on wisdom on bad girls Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, we can see she relates to their troubles.
The Black Eyes Peas girl, who was once in rehab herself for a crystal meth addiction, said: "They're young. I was young when I went through my stuff. Leave them alone. If they want to get better, they're going to get better on their own."
Speaking to People, the singer adds: "If somebody is going to change, they have to want to do it themselves. I think it is really unfair to them when they are trying to get help.
“We're all watching as a nation and commenting day by day on their rehabilitation. It's not fair. You're supposed to have a sanctuary, a place where you can go and not be pressured every day."
Will Britney and Lindsay listen to her? We hope not, we like seeing their disastrous lives crumble.