Melodic Rock is reporting: A week or so back I posted news of Journey's first show for 2008 - in Chile, South America. Well...now a second date has been added! First Journey show is on February 21
th at Festival of
ViƱa del Mar, at Quinta
Vergara Arena, 25.000 seat capacity.The new Second Journey show is on February 23 at
Estadio San Carlos
de Apoquindo in Santiago, 40.000 seat capacity. Opener bands to this show: Earth, Wind & Fire and Peter
There has been q
uite a bit of buzz saying that singer
Arnel Pineda will be named the new lead singer replacing Jeff Scott Soto who replaced Steve
Augeri who replaced Steve Perry.....Now there is a bit of buzz saying that Scandal leader & Mrs. John McEnroe, Patty
Smyth is set to join the band. Patty has of course recorded Journey's "Only The Young" for Scandal..........