John Waite has a fantastic voice. His solo work, The Babys, and Bad English is great stuff. He's selling his official site's domain name???? Good God. Everyone go out a buy a Waite CD...........
Melodic Rock:
The official John Waite website has been taken down and I'm told JW's only online representation will be via his MySpace site. Apparently the "official" site was too expensive to run/maintain! So now the clear leader on John Waite news on the internet is Wouter's site: johnwaitethegreatest.web-log.nl/johnwaitethegreatest:
Dear John Waite Fans:We are sorry to announce the closing of the John Waite OnLine website. JWOL INSIDER members will receive an email from Crissy, explaining this decision. You can find John on "Myspace" which will serve as his new "Official" web site.http://www.myspace.com/johnwaiteThe JWOL website and it's content, and the "JohnWaiteOnLine.com" domain name, is for sale. Please contact info@bleukarma.com, for interest in purchasing, (SERIOUS REQUESTS ONLY).Please do not email any questions about the closing of JWOL as they will not be replied to.We wish John success in his future endeavors.ThanksJohn Waite Management''