Paula's new single has peaked at #49 on the Billboard Pop 100 chart. She states that it went straight to #1 in the states. Maybe it went to #1 on the "Former stars who are now washed up and never sing live" chart................
Paula Abdul is a hard lady to track down. For what feels like, ooh, half our lives now, we’ve been trying to catch up with her over a transatlantic phone line, but she’s proved elusive. What with her being in the midst of American Idol mania, plus the obligatory celebrity endorsements – in her case, a jewellery range she does on QVC, and a soon-to-be-launched eau de Paula – her schedule is every bit as hectic as it is on her fly-on-the-wall reality show Hey Paula. Which, if you’ve been tuning in, you’ll be aware made her seem a little bit on the, er, unhinged side, and prompted much speculation that she was partaking in some mind-altering substances, shall we say. So when we finally catch up with Paula, we don’t know what the heck to expect. As it turns out, she’s very sweet, not very crazy, and has plenty to say on one of our favourite subjects – Mr Simon Cowell…
It’s been over 10 years since you released a record. Are you stressed about what people will think of it?
I don’t get concerned about that. No one was expecting me to come out with a new single and it went straight to No 1 in the States. I just hope the same thing happens in the UK.
I don’t get concerned about that. No one was expecting me to come out with a new single and it went straight to No 1 in the States. I just hope the same thing happens in the UK.