Kelly Ripa signed on as a spokesperson recently to plug Eloctrolux products. It seems that the company is certainly getting the attention of the consumers.....except it may not be the attention that they were looking for. Best Buy stores around the country have adorned their front doors and the inside of their stores with life size posters of Kelly Ripa bending over an Electrolux appliance. The lure of Kelly's jeans and her huge pumps was too much for drooling thieves and Kelly Ripa fans to take. Thieves have turned to "Grabbing and dashing" with the seductive Kelly Ripa posters. A befuddled and amused Best Buy manager told Geno's World that his store isn't the only target. "From what I understand, it seems to be an epidemic around the country. I shared my theft as a chuckle with a fellow manager. He told me that he's heard reports that it's spread all around the country." Why are thieves stealing Kelly? "(Laughs) Besides the obvious reasons, I guess that this kind of stuff goes for huge money on the collector market." the manager shared with me.... Oh Reg...................
If your local Best Buy is now "Kelly Ripa free" you can view her Eloctrolux campaign here.