Just six months after the birth of her second child, The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck is ready to show off her bikini body. "Body image has nothing to do with scale numbers, it's how you feel inside," Hasselbeck, who turns 31 this month, told Fitness magazine. "This is the first time I've felt free from that, because I am working out in a way where I feel so strong that there's no room for those doubts." She adds: "I finally told myself ... 'I've got some curves, I've got a bubble butt, but I don't mind, because it's what powers me forward when I run.' "To prepare for her cover of the magazine's June issue, Hasselbeck did run – she worked out for six weeks, including daily dashes and weight training. And to get that flat belly back, she did ab work two times a week. According to Fitness Editor-in-Chief Denise Brodey, "Elisabeth said, 'I feel like I'm an athlete again.'" Her goal wasn't to lose weight she says, she just wanted to eat healthier and have more energy. So the magazine had a nutritionist design a wheat free (Hasselbeck has celiac disease), energy-packed plan featuring lean protein and vegetables, along with nutrition bars and nuts for snacks.