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Julianne Hough's debut CD is a revelation!
I received my copy of JulainneHough's self titled debut CD today. I had heard her catchy single "That Song In My Head" and was looking forward to listening to the "Dancing With The Stars" champ in all her glory. I was not disappointed. Blessed with breathtaking beauty, Julianne matches her looks with a powerful, emotional voice that resonates through the disc. "Hide Your Matches" is a clever tune which had me chuckling. "My Hallelujah Song" showcases Julainne's range and is quite moving. "Help Me, Help You"'s power made me immediately play it again! I looked for "clunkers" among the 11 tracks and found none. is selling her CD for an incredible $6.99! Buy Maxim magazine's #30 hottie's debut CD! Tell 'em Geno sent ya!...........