The Superficial:
Kim Kardashian has taken umbrage with my clearly scientific debate regarding her buttpads. Check out her latest blog entry (NOTE: I took the liberty of un-editing all the a--'s. My replacements in italics.):
OMG! When will people get off my atrium, literally! Haha. I have said it a million times before and I'll say it again: My booty is as real as the designer items I'm auctioning off on eBay.The reason I bring this up is because those jokesters at the Superficial claimed that I wear foam panties. NOT TRUE! (And I don't stuff 'em with Charmin either).I think my photo shoots clearly prove I don't wear butt pads!To all you non-believers at the Superficial, kiss my REAL and GORGEOUS amphitheater!XOXO,Kim