Video: Action News
Nick Bollea: "Had I known this, I would have rather gone to trial or I would rather, you know, appeal the case or something. I can't deal with this for eight months. It's (Bollea's cell) like the size of my bathroom."
Linda Bollea: "Oh!"
Nick: "No windows or nothing. Just one little top bed thing."
Linda: "Oh my God!"
Bollea is being kept in a single cell at the Pinellas County Jail because he is one of only two minors serving time in the adult facility. On the phone, he cries often and is comforted by his mother Linda.
Nick: "All you do is sit there and think, and there's nothing to think about."
Linda: "We'll get through it."
Nick: "Yeah."Linda: "Prove to everyone you've learned your lesson and be more careful."