Star Pulse:
Sarah Jessica Parker has ruled out ever undergoing cosmetic surgery to preserve her good looks. The 43-year-old actress is determined to grow old gracefully and vows never to succumb to the popular Hollywood trend of wrinkle-smoothing Botox injections.
She tells Britain's Eve magazine, "I believe in ageing gracefully - and of course, buying as many anti-ageing creams as possible!" And the Sex And The City star insists she is not as stylish as her onscreen persona, fashionista Carrie Bradshaw: "I never dress up that much. I can't even blow-dry my own hair and I don't know how to put make-up on either! I never do my nails. I've probably worn nail polish twice in 10 years."
"I'll admit I do know how to cover a zit and put on mascara and eyeliner, but I can only out my hair into a ponytail, nothing else."