Just when the Brand family was beginning to think all celebrities were rude, drunk, disorderly and selfish, Johnny Depp did something to prove them wrong.
Johnny Depp sent his hat to Jack Taylor, a 12-year-old Wisconsin fanLast week, a package arrived at the Brand family home in Oshkosh, Wis., addressed to the Brands' 12-year-old son Jack Taylor. It contained a used vintage tan and gray fedora hat and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" paraphernalia for the rest of the family, along with a note that read: "Here is a hat for you. Hope you like this and assorted fun bits." It was signed by Depp, the star of the film.
The actor promised the boy his hat back in April when the two met while Depp was in Taylor's hometown filming scenes for his upcoming movie, "Public Enemies." But it was a promise the family did not expect him to keep.