Courtney Love, one of rock's great OG bloggers, posted another brilliant (not brilliant) open letter on MySpace. In it she accuses fellow blogger/musician Ryan Adams of using $858,000 of Frances Bean Cobain's money to fund his 2003 album Rock n Roll, "one of the worst records i can think of in rock and roll history." Ryan's gear, hotels, drugs, dinners at Nobu ... all expensed to Courtney, stolen STRAIGHT OUT OF FRANCES"S TRUST FUND. Courtney has 29 AMEX cards, so it took a few years for her to notice.
Ex-boyfriends Ed Norton, Billy Corgan, and "Gollum" (Jim Barber, who produced Rock n Roll) all get name-checked in the diatribe. (Ryan and Courtney had "very safe sex" too, it is revealed.) A highlight of her overshare:
does that makje youf eel like a big man ? stealing from a suicide? A MARTYRED HERO? ... as God Is My Witness Ryan you will pay back every fucking penny of this. 858,000 dollars for Rock n Roll ? wow you were living large- most people reading this dont even know what record or even artist im referring to , as your just this cult americana wanna be dylan thing-
still shooting smack? hows that going for you?