Hollywood residents say that Lauren Conrad and "The Hills" have ruined their lives!
The horror!!!! The pain!!!! The insanity!!!!
LA Times:
Hollywood is learning that reality bites.Residents of a quiet neighborhood between Sunset and Hollywood boulevards are in an uproar over the ongoing filming of a popular television reality show that they say has turned their lives upside down.
"The Hills" producers and city officials allege that the neighborhood unrest is overblown -- and has been fanned in part by a resident of the street who produces a competing TV reality show.The real-life drama has at times eclipsed the plot line of the highly rated "The Hills," which features young women who are struggling with their careers -- and their love lives -- amid the glitz of Hollywood. One incident involved an alleged knife fight between paparazzi on a homeowner's lawn. Another ended when police were called to break up a confrontation between residents and city officials..............Fans sometimes show up at night, however. "Last Saturday night between 12:30 and 2:30 I was awakened three times by girls stopping in front of the house yelling, 'Lauren, we love you!' " Brumer said.