Didn't Elvis always say "Don't be cruel"?..................
Smoking Gun
Meet Father Elvis Elano. A New York City woman claims that she succumbed to sexual advances from the Roman Catholic priest after he heard her confession earlier this year about the fractured state of her marriage. Judith Rodrigues-Lytwyn alleges that immediately after Elano received her confession in March at Our Lady of the Snows Church, he "professed his love, devotion, and physical attraction" to her and said, "Your presence struck me like a thunder bolt," according to a New York State Supreme Court lawsuit. Rodrigues-Lytwyn, 50, charges that Elano encouraged her to have sex with him as a way of "overcoming her pain associated with her husband." Elano, she alleges, said that such a sexual liaison was "ordained by God."
Meet Father Elvis Elano. A New York City woman claims that she succumbed to sexual advances from the Roman Catholic priest after he heard her confession earlier this year about the fractured state of her marriage. Judith Rodrigues-Lytwyn alleges that immediately after Elano received her confession in March at Our Lady of the Snows Church, he "professed his love, devotion, and physical attraction" to her and said, "Your presence struck me like a thunder bolt," according to a New York State Supreme Court lawsuit. Rodrigues-Lytwyn, 50, charges that Elano encouraged her to have sex with him as a way of "overcoming her pain associated with her husband." Elano, she alleges, said that such a sexual liaison was "ordained by God."