On this Thanksgiving, I'd like to give a sincere thank you to all the loyal Geno's World readers. I truly appreciate your repeated vsists! And another thank you to my fellow bloggers for linking to Geno's World! From my pals at Fark to the ladies at Bitten & Bound to Spicy at Celebrity Smack, the pervs at NewsToob, Tom at Notorious News, the other pervs at Fatback Media, sexy Candy Kirby and all the rest....thanks!
Marillion performs "Thank You Whoever You Are" live.
Barbara Walters: Michelle & Barack Obama Interview VIDEO. Bitten & Bound
Breaking: Sarah Jessica Parker Adopts an Oompa-Loompa! Candy Kirby
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown Back Together? Celebrity Smack
Angelina Jolie Not Pregnant. Just crazy. Fatback Media
Jessica Biel 2009 Calendar Photos. NewsToob
Miley Cyrus Is A Slut. Notorious News