Pamela Anderson has called for President-elect Barack Obama to castrate child molesters and legalise marijuana in an astonishing blog message.
Writing on her official website, the busty Baywatch star offered Obama some advice on running office with a letter titled "Dear Mr. Obama"
The reality T.V star demands castration for paedophiles:
"Government must castrate every molester, or potential molester - error on the safe side - if any child pornography is found in anyone's possession or anyone creating such atrocities, or if any child is brave enough to come forward (at any young age to bring attention to a potential molester- listen) they need to be taken very seriously and see that justice is served. The abuse is way worse than any trial could be."
Pamela also thinks it's 'silly' that pot is illegal:
I think we should Legalize Marijuana, tax and monitor -farm Hemp etc-this would make our borders less corrupt and then I think eventually this will be more secure option and save children in the long run – we should be able to farm Hemp in America- it’s just silly— it would create jobs- and be good for environment."
She also tells Obama to "bring our troops home safely...please shut down Guantanamo Bay – figure it out."
Pamela Anderson has called for President-elect Barack Obama to castrate child molesters and legalise marijuana in an astonishing blog message.
Writing on her official website, the busty Baywatch star offered Obama some advice on running office with a letter titled "Dear Mr. Obama"
The reality T.V star demands castration for paedophiles:
"Government must castrate every molester, or potential molester - error on the safe side - if any child pornography is found in anyone's possession or anyone creating such atrocities, or if any child is brave enough to come forward (at any young age to bring attention to a potential molester- listen) they need to be taken very seriously and see that justice is served. The abuse is way worse than any trial could be."
Pamela also thinks it's 'silly' that pot is illegal:
I think we should Legalize Marijuana, tax and monitor -farm Hemp etc-this would make our borders less corrupt and then I think eventually this will be more secure option and save children in the long run – we should be able to farm Hemp in America- it’s just silly— it would create jobs- and be good for environment."
She also tells Obama to "bring our troops home safely...please shut down Guantanamo Bay – figure it out."
She then offers her "recommended reading list," which includes Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and Crimes against Nature by Robert Kennedy Jr.
We didn't know you were a bookworm Pam.
We didn't know you were a bookworm Pam.