It looks more and more like there is a real possibility that Chris Brown may do some jail time for beating Rihanna. You've read all the awful details, looked at the pictures of blood, seen Chris smiling and jet skiing......So I asked myself. What kind of fresh perspective can I give Geno's World readers about the Chris Brown/Rihanna situation? A light bulb went off in my head recently and I called a friend of mine in the Los Angeles area. Tina has a cousin Ray who is currently serving a life term for murder. (I know, I have the best connections.) Anyway, Tina was kind enough to act as a Geno's World correspondent for the day and ask Ray how inmates would react to Chris Brown being incarcerated there....
"He better come prepared for some fun. That's all I gotta say. What do I mean? There's a lotta fellas here who love Rihanna and her music. They ain't too happy with what went down. I mean, you can't treat a princess like Rihanna like that. You gotta show some respect for a goddess like that. The guys here would love to show Chris how to really treat a woman. And you know what I mean, Chris would be the woman. That man is too damn pretty. He'd be very popular in here."
So there you go, not too surprising and only one man's opinion.........