The first Jackass movie was a revelation, I won’t lie. How could my mother and I, who had never really even seen the TV show, find watching these guys so utterly entertaining? Yet there we were watching the DVD (me with a Mike’s Hard Lemonade in hand and Mom sipping her Pinot Grigio) in total fits of laughter. Quality mother and daughter time for sure.
Keeping with the theme of appropriate together-time, last weekend I decided to go see Jackass 3D with my boyfriend on our “date night”. Because what’s more romantic than three-dimensional projectile vomit and flying ball-sacks? With our 3D glasses at the ready (which we had to pay for, FYI!), we sat down and let the madness of Jackass 3D wash over us.
So, for my money, here’s the good, the bad and the ugly that is Jackass 3D:
The good:
• Opening credit sequence was brilliant; the 3D aspects, the colors and the slow-motion captured stunts had us laughing from the start.
• Variety! There was the usual (and crowd-pleasing) stunts with animals (bulls, rams, attack dogs), the bitch-slapping of Bam’s step-father, and various fly-into-air-and-land-painfully bits. There were also new twists including jet engines, tooth-removal and a 5 foot tall high-five machine (one of my new favs).
The bad:
• Puking induces puking, people. Steve-O has quite the gag reflex which in turn affects the cameramen and even a couple of the other jackasses all caught on tape! Ugh! It’s a wonder we in the theater didn’t turn to each other and vomit (I think most of us instinctively turned away, exclaiming “Ewwww!!”)
• Poop is bad too. I mean, obviously it serves its purpose, but butt volcanoes spewing poo and dog-poop-port-a-potty-bungee jumping…well I could’ve done without both of those, thank you very much!
The ugly:
• I have to wonder why these guys don’t work out. Since most of them are in stunts that include jock-straps, speedos or human diapers, why don’t they beef up between movies? Because these guys half-naked…well it’s just not a good look. To be fair, I suppose being a movie-star means the chicks dig you even if you are pasty and flabby (though can any of us really say Preston Lacy is bonafide a star?)
• Toothless grins (I’m looking at you, Jackass Danger Ehren, what were you thinking???)
My favorite part of the Jackass experience is and will always be the utter glee these guys have in each other’s pain! Their laughter, giggles and constant badgering of one another permeates even the most repulsive stunts which means as a viewer, I find it utterly contagious.
I think….Jackass 3D provides a multitude of experiences including complete shock, repulsion, nausea, laughter and fear and boy do you get your money’s worth of all of those! What other film can do that, I ask you?
Hi, this is Geno. I'd like to formally welcome to lovely and talented Valerie to Geno's World! Valerie is a gem and I appreciate her letting me share her reviews with my readers! Valerie & I were married in the past.....on Facebook......for two days. It was a whirlwind romance and we have remained friends. Her Mom and dog love me and I approve of her current leading man. Life is good. :)
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