My youngest sister is twelve years younger than I am. Growing up, I took good care of her, watched a lot of cartoons with her and built forts (As we were in the photo above.) I love her dearly and have such fond memories of those times.
These days, my youngest sister (pictured above) along with my dear Mom and my other lovely sister are the ones who are taking care of me. They keep me company in every Doctor's appointment. Chemo isn't fun. But I know my sister and I will be smiling and laughing. She's a special woman. What's the lesson? Build forts with your kids or young siblings. They will remember the love and return it to you years later when you need them.
I love you stinky. xoxo
Fighting Cancer Isn't Sexy
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6