Fighting Cancer Isn't Sexy Part 17: Bad News - Cancer Isn't Done With Me
This one is hard to write. I had scans done last week as a follow up to my liver ablation that was done in January. I met with my Doctor this morning and the news isn't good. They found a spot on my lung that looks to be cancerous. I will be meeting with a new surgeon in the near future to plan for surgery. Looks like they will remove that small portion of my lung that is affected by the spot.
This blows. Watching my Mom cry was devastating. Nothing hurts worse than that. All the pain and misery that I put up with in the last 19 months all added up, doesn't match the pain watching of my Mom cry. Texting my girlfriend Jen with the news was also very very difficult. It's been so wonderful falling in love. I know this isn't my fault, but part of me feels like I've let her down. I know that's silly, but you know how emotions go!
Ok, enough with the sad talk. The good news is that my liver looks ok. The other good news is that this surgery is tough, but the Doc told me I've been through worse. He said I can do this. We agreed!! Watching him give me the bad news was rough. I knew it as soon as he started talking. I felt it. He's a good dude. Compassionate and kind.
So I fight on!!!!! Why the Batman photo? My twitter profile says that I'm fighting cancer like Batman would. And that's true. Batman is a badass. If he had cancer, he'd be out there kicking bad guy butt on the street as usual as he fought the cancer. So I plan on continuing my life "as usual".
My work at the Carroll Center is always important to me. But on days like this, it's even more important.It's a wonderful distraction from my own problems. Do me a favor. Donate to my Canines for Carroll page. It helps a great cause & makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile while I continue to fight the evil cancer. I'm fucking Batman!!! :)
I love you all.
Fighting Cancer Isn't Sexy
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16